Course Content
Week 33 – End of Year 1 Mock Exam (Paper 1 Theory)
Week 34 – End of Year 1 Mock Exam (Paper 2 Programming)
Old Assignments & Quizzes (For continuing students – please ignore otherwise)
This section holds the previous assignments that have now been replaced with the updated weekly assignments. This section is to allow current students to see their previous work only.
Week 43 – Identifying Types of Database & Understanding Database Structures
Week 51 – Robotics in the Home & Programming Challenge 15
Week 53 – The Impact of Plagiarism
Week 54 – Artificial Intelligence
Week 55 – Exam Paper Walkthrough (Paper 1 Theory)
Week 56 – Exam Paper Walkthrough (Paper 2 Programming)
iGCSE Computer Science – Self-Paced
About Lesson

The latest update to the Cambridge 0984 /0478 specifications was made in July 2023. This course was updated to include these changes in July 2023. If you have any concerns or questions about what is covered in the course, please get in touch using the Q&A feature at the front of the course or by email to

You can access the official specifications directly from Cambridge using the links below:

You are responsible for arranging your own exams. I strongly recommend booking these with your chosen centre at least 6 months before the exam you wish to sit. For assistance with this, please see the details in my Student Welcome Pack.

The table below shows how this course maps to the current specification and when you can expect to cover each part.

What changed in July 2023?

  • Confirmation that file size calculations must use the measurement of 1024 and not 1000
  • Data packet descriptions are a little stricter (this hasn’t technically changed, but the learning outcome 2.1.1.b has been changed for clarity)
  • The abbreviation of the fetch-decode-execute (FDE) cycle has been added to learning outcome 3.1.2.b
  • 7.5b now includes the purpose of each verification check
  • In pseudocode, procedures and functions are defined at the start of the code ( a pseudocode guide is included in week 6 and other algorithm lessons)

Paper 1 – Theory

Specification ReferenceWhen This is (first) Covered
Unit 1 : Data Representation
1.1.1 Understand how and why computers use binary to represent all forms of dataWeek 1
1.1.2(a) Understand the denary, binary and
hexadecimal number systems

(b) Convert between
(i) positive denary and positive binary
(ii) positive denary and positive hexadecimal
(iii) positive hexadecimal and positive binary
Week 1 & 2
1.1.3Understand how and why hexadecimal is used as a beneficial method of data representationWeek 2
1.1.4(a) Add two positive 8-bit binary integers
(b) Understand the concept of overflow and why it occurs in binary addition
Week 3
1.1.5Perform a logical binary shift on a positive 8-bit binary integer and understand the effect this has on the positive binary integerWeek 3
1.1.6Use two’s complement to represent positive and negative 8-bit binary integersWeek 4
1.2.1Understand how and why a computer represents text and the use of character sets, including American standard code for information interchange (ASCII) and UnicodeWeek 6
1.2.2Understand how and why a computer represents sound, including the effects of the sample rate and sample resolutionWeek 7
1.2.3Understand how and why a computer represents an image, including the effects of the resolution and colour depthWeek 5
1.3.1Understand how data storage is measuredWeek 5 – 8
1.3.2Calculate the file size of an image file and a
sound file, using information given
Week 5 – 8
1.3.3Understand the purpose of and need for data compressionWeek 9
1.3.4Understand how files are compressed using lossy and lossless compression methodsWeek 9
Unit 2 : Data Transmission
2.1.1(a) Understand that data is broken down into packets to be transmitted
(b) Describe the structure of a packet
(c) Describe the process of packet switching
Week 8
2.1.2(a) Describe how data is transmitted from one device to another using different methods of data transmission
(b) Explain the suitability of each method of data transmission, for a given scenario
Week 8
2.1.3Understand the universal serial bus (USB) interface and explain how it is used to transmit dataWeek 16
2.2.1Understand the need to check for errors after data transmission and how these errors can occurWeek 8 & 9
2.2.2Describe the processes involved in each of the following error detection methods for detecting errors in data after transmission: parity check (odd and even), checksum and echo checkWeek 8 & 9
2.2.3Describe how a check digit is used to detect errors in data entry and identify examples of when a check digit is used, including international standard book numbers (ISBN) and bar codesProgramming challenges
2.2.4Describe how an automatic repeat query (ARQ) can be used to establish that data is received without errorWeek 8 & 9
2.3.1Understand the need for and purpose of encryption when transmitting dataWeek 20 – 23
2.3.2Understand how data is encrypted using symmetric and asymmetric encryptionWeek 23
Unit 3 : Hardware
3.1.1(a) Understand the role of the central processing unit (CPU) in a computer
(b) Understand what is meant by a microprocessor
Week 10
3.1.2(a) Understand the purpose of the components in a CPU, in a computer that has a Von Neumann architecture

(b) Describe the process of the fetch–decode–execute (FDE) cycle including the role of each component in the process
Week 10
3.1.3Understand what is meant by a core, cache and clock in a CPU and explain how they can affect the performance of a CPUWeek 10 – 15
3.1.4Understand the purpose and use of an instruction set for a CPUWeek 10 & Week 27
3.1.5Describe the purpose and characteristics of an embedded system and identify devices in which they are commonly usedWeek 11
3.2.1Understand what is meant by an input device and why it is requiredWeek 12
3.2.2Understand what is meant by an output device and why it is requiredWeek 12
3.2.3(a) Understand what is meant by a sensor and the purposes of sensors

(b) Identify the type of data captured by each sensor and understand when each sensor would be used, including selecting the most suitable sensor for a given context
Week 12 – 13
& extended in week 48 – 51
3.3.1Understand what is meant by primary storageWeek 13
3.3.2Understand what is meant by secondary storageWeek 14
3.3.3Describe the operation of magnetic, optical and solid-state (flash memory) storage and give examples of eachWeek 14
3.3.4Describe what is meant by virtual memory, how it is created and used and why it is necessaryWeek 15
3.3.5Understand what is meant by cloud storageWeek 15
3.3.6Explain the advantages and disadvantages of storing data on the cloud in comparison to storing it locallyWeek 15
3.4.1Understand that a computer needs a network interface card (NIC) to access a networkWeek 16
3.4.2Understand what is meant by and the purpose of a media access control (MAC) address, including its structureWeek 17
3.4.3(a) Understand what is meant by and the purpose of an internet protocol (IP) address

(b) Understand that there are different types of IP address
Week 17
3.4.4Describe the role of a router in a networkWeek 16
Unit 4 : Software
4.1.1Describe the difference between system software and application software and provide examples of eachWeek 26
4.1.2Describe the role and basic functions of an operating systemWeek 28
4.1.3Understand how hardware, firmware and an operating system are required to run applications softwareWeek 28
4.1.4Describe the role and operation of interruptsWeek 29
4.2.1Explain what is meant by a high-level language and a low-level language, including the advantages and disadvantages of eachWeek 27 & week 35
4.2.2Understand that assembly language is a form of low-level language that uses mnemonics, and that an assembler is needed to translate an assembly language program into machine codeWeek 27
4.2.3Describe the operation of a compiler and an interpreter, including how high-level language is translated by each and how errors are reportedWeek 36
4.2.4Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a compiler and an interpreterWeek 36
4.2.5Explain the role of an IDE in writing program code and the common functions IDEs provideWeek 37
Unit 5 : The Internet and Its Uses
5.1.1Understand the difference between the internet and the world wide webWeek 38
5.1.2Understand what is meant by a uniform resource locator (URL)Week 38
5.1.3Describe the purpose and operation of hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) and hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS)Week 38
5.1.4Explain the purpose and functions of a web browserWeek 38 – 40
5.1.5Describe how web pages are located, retrieved and displayed on a device when a user enters a URLWeek 38
5.1.6Explain what is meant by cookies and how they are used, including session cookies and persistent cookiesWeek 39
5.2.1Understand the concept of a digital currency and how digital currencies are usedWeek 47
5.2.2Understand the process of blockchain and how it is used to track digital currency transactionsWeek 47
5.3.1Describe the processes involved in, and the aim of carrying out, a range of cyber security threatsWeek 20 – 23
5.3.2Explain how a range of solutions are used to help keep data safe from security threatsWeek 24 – 25
Unit 6 : Automated and Emerging Technologies
6.1.1Describe how sensors, microprocessors and actuators can be used in collaboration to create automated systemsWeek 12 – 13
& extended in week 48 – 51
6.1.2Describe the advantages and disadvantages of an automated system used for a given scenarioWeek 13 & Week 48 – 51
6.2.1Understand what is meant by roboticsWeek 50
6.2.2Describe the characteristics of a robotWeek 50
6.2.3Understand the roles that robots can perform and describe the advantages and disadvantages of their useWeek 50 – 52
6.3.1Understand what is meant by artificial intelligence (AI)Week 50 – 52 & Week 54
6.3.2Describe the main characteristics of AI as the collection of data and the rules for using that data, the ability to reason, and can include the ability to learn and adaptWeek 54
6.3.3Explain the basic operation and components of AI systems to simulate intelligent behaviourWeek 54

Paper 2 – Programming

Programming concepts are covered multiple times throughout the course as these are practical skills that you need to demonstrate throughout the course. You’ll find programming questions in almost every set of weekly practice questions, and a set of 15 programming challenges for you to complete through the course. I subscribe to a “little & often” approach to programming which will not only prepare you for the exam, but help you to take programming further than iGCSE.

Paper 2 also includes several theory topics which have been included below:

Specification ReferenceWhen This is Covered
7.1Understand the program development life cycle, limited to: analysis, design, coding and testingWeek 21
7.2(a) Understand that every computer system is made up of sub-systems, which are made up of further sub-systems

(b) Understand how a problem can be decomposed into its component parts

(c) Use different methods to design and construct a solution to a problem
Week 6> +
weekly assignments
7.3Explain the purpose of a given algorithmWeek 6> +
weekly assignments
7.4Understand standard methods of solution (counting, totalling, searching, & sorting)Week 10 (arrays)> +
programming challenges
7.5(a) Understand the need for validation checks to be made on input data and the different types of validation check

(b) Understand the need for verification checks to be made on input data and the different types of verification check
Week 20
7.6Suggest and apply suitable test dataWeek 21
7.7Complete a trace table to document a dry-run of an algorithmWeek 6> +
lesson notes
7.8Identify errors in given algorithms and suggest ways of correcting these errorsWeek 6> +
weekly assignments
7.9Write and amend algorithms for given problems or scenarios, using: pseudocode, program code and flowchartsWeek 6> +
weekly assignments
Unit 9 : Databases
9.1Define a single-table database from given data storage requirementsWeek 44
9.2Suggest suitable basic data typesWeek 43
9.3Understand the purpose of a primary key and identify a suitable primary key for a given database tableWeek 43
9.4Read, understand and complete structured query language (SQL) scripts to query data stored in a single database tableWeek 44 – 46
Unit 10 : Boolean Logic
9.1Identify and use the standard symbols for logic gatesWeek 41
9.2Define and understand the functions of the logic gatesWeek 41
9.3(a) Use logic gates to create given logic circuits
from a: problem statement, logic expression, & truth table

(b) Complete a truth table from a: problem statement, logic expression, & truth table

(c) Write a logic expression from a: problem statement, logic expression, & truth table
Week 42
0% Complete