Our short computer science units allow you to study KS3 Computing at your own pace as part of your home education program. Unlike other distance learning courses, you’ll be supported by a qualified Computer Science teacher allowing you to ask questions if you need help.
There is no set curriculum of topics to study at KS3, but we recommend that you choose a range of topics covering Computer Science, ICT, and digital literacy to give your child experience of the different digital skills.
This unit will give you 12 months access to the lessons contained in the course and a licence for one user.If you would prefer to attend live lessons to support your KS3 or GCSE studies, please visit the range of courses I offer here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does This Course Include Live Tuition?
This course is online only and does not include live tuition. For details of my live classes, please visit the 2023 Enrolment page here.
Do I need any additional resources / textbooks?
This course has been designed to need only access to this course and an internet browser. You will require a free account at to complete some of the programming tasks.
Does The Course Include Practical Skills?
Yes. We ensure that all of our courses from KS3 to A Level include practical aspects in both the independent lessons and live classes. You can expect your child to be guided through practical programming skills through a series of project based learning tasks.
Why Are Spaces Limited?
As this unit includes tutor marking, spaces are limited to allow us to dedicate time to providing feedback & help to all students.